What’s Blooming: 6-9-08

by Em
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It’s been very wet here in the last 10 days (above is our rain total from just Saturday and Sunday), so any blooms have been battered pretty hard by strong winds and downpours. However, there are a few tough plants that managed to hang onto their flowers.

I’m glad to see my roses are popping out. I should get to enjoy the flowers for at least another two weeks before the Japanese Beetles hatch and start munching across the neighborhood.

Here’s ‘Midnight Blue’:

And ‘Angel Face’:

My favorite petunia cultivar is also starting to bloom. The Opera Supreme ‘Pink Morn’ flowers were pummeled by rain, but my ‘Lilac Ice’ flowers fared a bit better:

My hostas look fantastic this year. So far the slugs have left them alone. Here’s ‘Loyalist’:

And this is ‘Sitting Pretty’:

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