Double Take

by Em
1 comment

Just another chilly Junco trying to stay warm in the blustery weather, right?

Not so fast!

It appears this Junco is partially albino, or leucistic, meaning he has cells in parts of his plumage that aren’t capable of making pigment.

Juncos have also been known to breed with White-throated Sparrows (and White-throats do have little white beards), but this bird doesn’t exhibit any other sparrow traits so I don’t think that’s what’s going on here.

Whatever the cause, he sure has an adorable little face.

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1 comment

Em’s Garden » My Little Mutant December 11, 2008 - 7:50 am

[…] 3 weeks ago, I spotted this partially-albino Junco sitting in the shrub by my feeders. I hadn’t seen him […]

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