Tidal Wave Petunias

by Em
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Whenever I have a garden space that needs filling without a lot of expense, ‘Tidal Wave Silver’ petunias come to my rescue. Each plant grows 18 to 20 inches tall and spreads from 3 to 6 feet wide so you only need a handful of plants for a large area. If you grow them next to a trellis or fence, they will lean on the support and “climb” even taller.

The plants are also fantastic for planters and hanging baskets.

Because I adore color, ‘Tidal Wave Silver’ was always just a little too bland for me. This year I’m trying ‘Tidal Wave Hot Pink’ instead. Tidal Wave petunias are readily available at garden centers, but I like to sprout my own from seed. Rather than spending $4 for one plant, I was able to sow 15 plants for the same price.

I started my plants indoors at the end of February. By mid-May they were big enough to transplant into barrels outside. The first flowers opened a few days ago.

Now all I have to do is water them, fertilize them regularly and watch the show unfold.

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