Find Another Sucker

by Em
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I’ve been battling starlings all winter, and since winter has decided to hang on for an extra month this year my seed supply has dwindled to almost nothing. Yesterday it was snowing AGAIN and a flock of starlings dropped in and raided the feeders. I filled them 2 days ago, but after the “visit” they were nearly empty.

Unfortunately the starlings weren’t alone. A few grackles were mixed in with the crowd as well. That’s like getting a tornado and a hurricane at the same time. Things quickly spin out of control.

I’ve decided I’m not going to feed the birds this summer. When the seed runs out, I’m done until next fall. The starling flocks are getting larger and more fearless, and they can put away an incredible amount of food in a short time. They used to pester me several times a year, but now it’s pretty much an all-year-round affair.

I’m also tired of the chipmunks and squirrels digging holes in my flowerbeds to bury seeds. I’ll still have that problem later in the summer when the acorns mature, but at least spring (if it ever arrives) and early summer should be relatively peaceful.

My birdwatching won’t come to a screeching halt entirely. I’ll still put up several birdbaths, but if the rodents, starlings and grackles want free food all summer they’re going to have to find another sucker.

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