Dolled-Up Dove

by Em
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If you read the description of Mourning Doves in any bird book, you’ll find that it’s common for them to have iridescent marks of green or purple on their feathers. In some books, pink is mentioned too. I’ve spotted green and purple flashes on the birds from time to time, but I don’t ever recall seeing pink.

While photographing this bird I noticed a rather large pink spot on its neck, but the spot would appear and disappear with just the slightest movement of the bird’s head. I took over a dozen photos and when I looked at them later, the pink spot was only visible in this one.

It almost looks like he (and I’m only guessing it’s a he because the male Mourning Doves tend to have more color than the females) decided to put on a little rouge or blush before venturing out today.

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