Red Light, Green Light

by Em
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The other day I was standing on my screen porch when I heard the sweetest little bird song. I wasn’t familiar with it so I grabbed my binoculars and went outside to see if I could spot the singer.

The second I stepped outside, the singing stopped. I sat down on the pavers that surround my raised bed for awhile and stayed perfectly still, but that bird was onto me and didn’t make a peep. The second I went back inside, the song started up again.

We played this little game several times before I gave up. I went to the piano to identify the notes in the cute little melody so I wouldn’t forget them. I figured I was going to have to listen to my bird song CDs from start to finish to figure this one out.

In the evening, I cracked open a window and heard the song again. I slipped outside and peered around the house with my binoculars. I looked in the tops of all the trees….nothing. Then I checked the shrubs and small trees….still nothing. Finally something moved in one of the big arborvitaes. Gotcha!

Puffing out his little chest as he sang and sang was a beautiful Fox Sparrow. I should’ve known. They are extremely shy birds, so that would explain why every time I came outside, he went silent.

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