No Waiting

by Em
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It’s time for me to move the feeders to their fall/winter locations. In the summer I keep them away from my flowerbeds so the chipmunks and squirrels don’t dig around for strewn seeds, and so they don’t climb and damage daylily scapes or lily stalks in an attempt to get better jumping leverage.

The other day I was fiddling with the feeder pole system in the front yard. I wanted to change it around, so I was trying out various pole lengths and attachments. I set the thistle feeders on the ground in the mean time.

When I had everything just right, I went into the house to see what it looked like from the window. What I saw made me laugh. I have a huge flock of goldfinches right now and there is usually a long line at the feeders. These guys and gals spotted a golden opportunity and they took it:



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