Sneaky Siskins

by Em
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When the cold weather returned recently, so did the finches. The goldfinches were joined by many more Pine Siskins this time. From a distance the finches all look the same, but you can pick out the Pine Siskins by the little tinges of yellow on their wings and tails.

They have streaked breasts like house finches, but Pine Siskins are slightly smaller. Unfortunately that smaller size makes them blend in with the goldfinches. Can you spot the Pine Siskin in this photo?

The Pine Siskin is on the far-right thistle feeder in the middle. Notice the streaky back. Up close the birds definitely look different. The Pine Siskin is on the left and the goldfinch is on the right.

When I’m doing my counts for Project Feederwatch I always make sure to count the finches through binoculars, so I don’t miss any of those sneaky Pine Siskins.

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