Garden Dud?: Petunia Supertunia Raspberry Blast

by Em
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I saw Supertunia Raspberry Blast at a garden center last spring. There was a hanging basket in full bloom and it was absolutely stunning. I’ve never been more excited about a petunia before. Obviously I wasn’t the only one smitten with it because there were only a handful of plants left for sale so I quickly snatched them up.

I planted some of them in a barrel and the others in two smaller planters (plus I had one plant left over that I tucked into one of my flowerbeds). At first they behaved like any other petunia. I was careful to water them regularly and because pots can quickly be leached of nutrients, I fertilized them about once every two weeks. Unfortunately, they soon looked like this:

Even the plant I put into my flowerbed was soon a spindly stalk with very few blooms on it. I was so disappointed that the plant was a dud for me because the blooms are so unique and eye-catching.

I like this plant so much that I would be tempted to try it again. Perhaps if I fertilized the living daylights out of it, I would get the spectacular show like I saw at the garden center. If you see one for sale this spring, give it a try. Maybe you’ll have better luck than I did!

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