The Birds Love the Platform Feeder

by Em
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In November I replaced one of my hopper feeders with a platform feeder, and it has been a huge hit with the birds. They seem more comfortable feeding out in the open so they can more easily keep an eye out for predators.

Just about every species of bird that visits my yard has used the feeder. It’s especially popular with finches, Pine Siskins, sparrows and cardinals. But I’ve also seen Mourning Doves, woodpeckers, nuthatches and Blue Jays drop in for a bite to eat.

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Even the ground-feeding juncos don’t mind that the feeder sits about 5 feet above the ground (juncos are the dark-gray birds with white bellies):

I make sure there’s a good mixture of seed available—a little safflower for the cardinals, some peanuts for the nuthatches, woodpeckers and Blue Jays, and sunflower pieces for the all the finches and sparrows.

I was concerned that this type of feeder might be a playground for crows, but so far they haven’t come anywhere near it. I add fresh seed about every other day, and one big benefit to this type of feeder is that if a flock of starlings or grackles or a hungry squirrel discover it they won’t be able to clean me out like they can with a hopper feeder.

The birds and I give the platform feeder an enthusiastic thumbs-up.

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