Myriad of Mourning Doves

by Em
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I’m drowning in Mourning Doves right now, and every afternoon more of them appear.

I’d only seen a couple of Mourning Dove regulars this fall until last week when 4 of them visited my platform feeder. Over the weekend that number increased to 6. By Wednesday afternoon it was standing-room-only at the feeder when 11 birds tried to land and feed at the same time.

Mourning Doves prefer to feed on the ground. They aren’t picky about seeds and will eat sunflowers, safflower, cracked corn, millet and Nyger.

We’ve got a pretty feisty Cooper’s Hawk roaming the neighborhood these days, so it will be interesting to see if the Mourning Dove flock continues to multiply or if Mr. Hawk will try to thin the herd.






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