Whiplash Weather

by Em

Last week’s weather was wacky. On Wednesday the temperature hit a record high of 70 degrees (F), and I went for a walk wearing short sleeves. That’s never happened in February before. I even cracked open a few house windows for a bit.

On Thursday night we had rain which changed to ice and snow on Friday and made for some tricky driving conditions but also gave us some beautiful ice-covered tree limbs.

On Saturday the temperature didn’t get above freezing. I went out to check the feeders, and all of them were covered in a layer of ice. Because it rained and then froze, my platform feeders had about a half-inch of ice sitting in them. The birds could see the nuts and seeds, but couldn’t eat any of them without using some serious drilling equipment:

I threw some new seed on top of the ice and went back inside the house. Before I could even get my coat off, the platform feeders had already transformed into the hottest eating spot in town.






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