‘Star of Yelta’ for Eternity

by Em
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Morning Glory ‘Star of Yelta’ doesn’t take “no” for an answer.  I haven’t planted seeds for this morning glory in more than 10 years, but every year it sneaks up on me somewhere.

I think the flowers are pretty. I just wish the plants weren’t a magnet for Japanese Beetles. And oh my, can this plant self seed! Every year I have to rescue lilies, zinnias and other tall plants from the twisting grip of rogue ‘Star of Yelta’ seedlings.

I do have one area where I usually let them roam every summer—a have a little metal arbor in the back of one of my flowerbeds that they can crawl all over.

Last year not a single plant popped up on its own around that arbor, but this year we’re back in business again. The Japanese beetles are very happy.

If you have an area where morning glories could climb each summer, buy a cheap packet of ‘Star of Yelta’ seeds ONE TIME and you’ll probably never have to buy more seeds again.




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