Salvia ‘Amore Scarlet Bicolor’

by Em

Over the weekend I ordered most of my seeds for the flowers that will fill next year’s flowerbeds. I wasn’t exactly prepared to place my orders, but the Black Friday deals and free shipping offers were just too irresistible to pass up.

One plant I wanted to make sure I grew again is Salvia ‘Amore Scarlet Bicolor’. I tried this red and white salvia this summer and found myself sneaking photos of the flowers again and again.

The plants grow 12 to 14 inches tall in full sun or part-shade. The blooms keep coming all summer long, and neither bunnies nor insect pests are interested in this easy-to-grow plant. The little tubular flowers look like someone spilled milk on them.

‘Amore Scarlet Bicolor’ is a bushy and compact plant that needs no staking or special attention, and if you remove the spent flowers, the plants will continue to bloom into fall.

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