Where Did All the Birds Go?

by Em
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For the last few days in a row I’ve had no birds at my feeders which has never happened to me in more than two decades of backyard birding.

Someone in the neighborhood has been posting on a social media site that she has seen a Snowy Owl in our neighborhood during that same time frame, but I find that very hard to believe. While there has been an abundance of Snowy Owl sightings this winter—even in our part of the state—I can’t imagine an owl that lives in the tundra spending time in the oaks and hickories that tower over all the houses in our neighborhood. There are numerous open fields very close by that would make a much more suitable hunting ground and resting place for a Snowy Owl.

I think my problem is this Cooper’s Hawk. He’s learned to scare birds off my feeders and into my bay window. Twice last week I was sent 5 feet into the air by a deafening thud as a bird smacked the window and the Cooper’s swooped in to grab its prey. The second time it happened I looked out in time to see him tearing into his fresh meal. Blechhh.

Notice that he should’ve worn a bib:

The birds have probably decided to vacate the premises until he finds different hunting grounds. I don’t blame them.

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