Great Horned Owlet

by Em
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My friend snapped this photo of a baby Great Horned Owl when we were birdwatching last week. We didn’t spot the owl originally, but once someone pointed it out to us, we were able to return the same birding site 3 days in a row and find the owlet again every time.

One evening we peered at the owlet through binoculars on our way to search for migrating warblers. When we came back through about 30 minutes later we looked again and blechhhh—while we were gone mother owl caught a squirrel and dangled it over a large branch so the owlet could chow down on it. Great Horned Owls are most active at night, but they do hunt in the evenings and mornings.

We also got to see a very large Barred Owl (a lifer bird for me), but it was too far away to get a decent photograph. Maybe next time!

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