Time: 1:00 p.m.
Conditions: Partly Cloudy and 73 degrees
Observed from: the backyard
- 1 freakishly-huge bumblebee
- 3 Monarch Butterflies
- 3 Chickadees
- 2 Mourning Doves
- 2 White-breasted nuthatches
- 1 Red-bellied woodpecker
- 2 female Ruby-throated hummingbirds
- 2 Goldfinches
- 1 female Black-throated Green Warbler. This was a treat. Previously I’ve only seen them in spring. Warblers of the Great Lakes Region by Chris Earley is a great book to help you identify warblers. He includes quite a few photos of birds in fall plumage when they are more difficult to recognize.