Moving In

by Em
1 comment

Last week before winter reared its ugly head yet again with snow, sleet, rain and wind, a chickadee couple started checking out our birdhouses.

Three of the four birdhouses in our backyard were getting a little worn, so my husband recently constructed new ones. We have to cover the entry holes with metal plates that are sized perfectly for chickadees or wrens otherwise Downy Woodpeckers drill the holes bigger and then House Sparrows take over the houses. I’m not sure what kind of deal those two species have going!

The chickadees flew around the backyard taking turns checking out each house. One would climb inside and disappear for a few minutes while the mate stood guard outside.

Eventually they seemed to settle on one that faces northwest and is situated under a very tall White Oak tree.

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1 comment

ear April 15, 2019 - 4:51 pm

That is a beautiful bird house! Is Duane taking orders for them? Ours are looking really “ratty”. I like the idea of putting metal around the entrance to keep other birds out. We don’t have that on ours. Earl and I were outside working for the last couple of hours!! Beautiful out there. I cleaned out “stuff” from some of the day lilies–and now I suppose we’ll get snow. Will look nice with the green of the plants!!

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