Still Loving Marigold ‘Snowball’

by Em

This is the third summer I’ve grown Marigold ‘Snowball’ and I continue to be impressed by the sturdy plants and number of flowers this cultivar churns out.

Bees like the flowers too:

For the past two summers the Japanese beetles left this cultivar alone. They favor the blooms on my 4-foot-tall orange marigolds instead. However this year rabbits chewed those marigolds almost to the ground so they aren’t blooming. Suddenly ‘Snowball’ became popular with the beetle crowd:

The flowers are still tighter than the ones on the tall marigolds so while they are doing damage, they are not devouring the entire flower.

‘Snowball’ grows 24 inches in full to part-sun with what I would call white to “lemon meringue-colored” flowers. They bloom all summer long and are easy to start from seed.

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