‘Moonstruck Lemon Yellow’

by Em
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I’ve sung the praises of ‘Moonstruck Yellow’ marigolds many times, but these heavy-blooming, tough plants also come in orange and lemon yellow.

All of the Moonstrucks have big blooms on 18-inch plants that require little attention or care from anyone.

‘Moonstruck Yellow’ is my favorite with its huge, warm, golden-yellow blooms:

But ‘Moonstruck Lemon Yellow’ gives off a really cool glow that’s especially noticeable in the morning and evening before the sun is overhead.

I apparently never took any photos of ‘Moonstruck Orange’. I only grew it one year because the seeds are harder to find. It performs as solidly as its siblings.

This year I grew ‘Moonstruck Yellow’ in a barrel, and even though I continually forget to water the plants, they are blooming like crazy.

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