Some Blue for a Blue Day

by Em
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On this 10th day in a row with no sunshine, I’m feeling quite blue. So I decided to dig up (pardon the pun) this cheery post from almost a decade ago that mentions some of my favorite “blue” flowers:

Siberian Iris ‘Baby Sister’ is a perennial with violet-blue flowers that blooms in May and June. ‘Baby Sister’ grows 6 inches tall and performs equally well in full sun or partial shade:

Brunnera macrophylla (Siberian Bugloss) is a spring-blooming perennial with sky-blue flowers. It’s a cousin to forget-me-nots and grows 12 to 16 inches tall. Siberian Bugloss grows best in partial or full shade:

Borage is an annual herb with bristly leaves and stems and blue flowers. It grows 2 to 3 feet tall and prefers full sun. The flowers are a bee magnet. This one will also politely self-seed:

Larkspurs come in various colors including blue. Their height varies by variety. This annual is a member of the delphinium family and grows well in full sun to partial shade.

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