Loving the Lisianthus

by Em

I haven’t grown lisianthus plants for a long time because one of my favorite garden centers that used to sell them went out of business, and I couldn’t find them anywhere else. This spring I finally succeeded, and I was even able to get my favorite cultivar—‘Mariachi Blue’:

Lisianthus ‘Mariachi Blue’

These plants are grown as annuals unless you live in Zones 8 or 9 where they can be grown as perennials. The seeds grow very slowly so it’s best to purchase them as nursery plants in the spring. Lisianthus bloom in shades of purple and pink plus white.

I also purchased a 4-pack of mixed colors, and 3 of the 4 are the pretty, light-lavender color.

Lisianthus plants grow 24 to 36 inches tall and prefer full sun and moist, well-drained soil. I don’t have full sun in my yard, and one of my plants is even successfully growing under a serviceberry bush where it probably gets about 3 or 4 hours of sunlight each day. If you do grow the plants in part-sun, you will probably have to help them out with a plant stake, but other than that, they need no special care no matter where you plant them.

Those luscious-colored blooms look like roses, but you won’t have Japanese beetles munching on the foliage. I’ve never had any pests bother my plants.

Lisianthus plants also make great cut flowers!

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