Nicotiana ‘Perfume White’

by Em

Hummingbirds love nicotiana (flowering tobacco) plants so I always make sure to grow some each summer.

I use the taller cultivars like ‘Whisper Mix’ (48″) in the back row of some of my flowerbeds that don’t get as much sun because these plants thrive in partial-shade (but you may need to stake them).

And I like to use the ‘Perfume’ series nicotianas in the middle rows of my annual beds. These plants grow 20 inches tall.

I grew ‘Perfume White’ in the flowerbed next to my porch this summer so I could watch the hummingbirds close up.

These plants have no disease or pest issues other than the occasional visit from aphids which usually don’t damage the plants and make a good meal for ladybugs.

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