Star of the Shade

by Em

This spring I purchased a shade-tolerant Proven Winner that has indeed lived up to its name as a proven winner.

Browallia ‘Endless Illumination’ has been blooming non-stop since late June under a roof overhang next to my north-facing front walkway. I planted it in a pot with some coleus.

Other than watering the pot regularly and adding fertilizer a half-dozen times throughout the growing season, I didn’t give ‘Endless Illumination’ any additional care—not even deadheading. The flowers just keep coming, and that crazy plant is still blooming as heavily now as it did in July!

‘Endless Illumination’ grows 12 to 16 inches tall and prefers growing in part-shade to shade light conditions. During the summer months my plant received indirect sunlight each afternoon from about 3 to 7pm, but was otherwise it was the shade the rest of each day.

I purchased ‘Endless Illumination’ at a garden center in spring. I hope I can find it again next year because it has quickly become my favorite shade annual.

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