A Pretty Zinnia Combination

by Em
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I stumbled upon an eye-catching zinnia color combination this summer when I randomly planted ‘Benary’s Lilac’ zinnias next to some ‘Sun Cherry’ zinnias. The dark pink and bright lilac colors blend beautifully!

Zinnias growing in a garden

Benary’s zinnias grow 40 to 50 inches tall. ‘Sun Cherry’ reaches about 30 inches tall, so it’s best to plant those in front if you’d like to try this combination yourself.

I couldn’t stop taking photos of these pretty flowers this summer.

Zinnias growing in a garden

While I give my plants a head start by sowing the seeds indoors about 4 weeks before our last average frost date, both cultivars can be direct-sown in a flowerbed once the threat of frost has passed your area.

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