Now that the cold weather has finally arrived, I am getting a better idea of which birds to expect at my feeders this winter—that is if the Cooper’s Hawk pair doesn’t return.

I’ve done a half-dozen bird counts already this month, and I can confidently say I’ve never had this many woodpeckers visiting the feeders during the winter months. Downy, Hairy, Red-bellied Woodpeckers plus Northern Flickers are all regular visitors. They really like the wooden suet feeders.
Last winter there were very few Northern Cardinals. So far a nice flock of about a dozen birds visits the feeders very early in the mornings or in the late afternoons.

And I never thought I’d say this, but I’m so happy to see American Crows flying over our neighborhood again. They were completely absent last winter.

They may be a nuisance at the feeders sometimes, but they are great security squad. They warn other birds of hawks and owls, and they aren’t afraid to mob them if they pose a threat.