Creeping Through Winter

by Em
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I’ve counted birds for Project Feederwatch for 15 years now, but last week was the first time I was able to include “Brown Creeper” on any list. I usually see a bird or two each year in April or May (once the counting period is over), but never in January. The sighting isn’t unusual. Southern Wisconsin is part of the bird’s winter feeding range.

Brown Creepers eat insects and spiders which means they have to work a little harder in winter to keep their bellies full.  I’m sure my pathetic apple tree is full of creepy crawlies and will make a great Brown Creeper restaurant.

And an interesting tidbit about this little camouflaged bird… if you’re like me and lie awake at night worrying about all the used (or not-so-used) spider egg casings in the world, fear not. Brown Creepers ingeniously recycle them to create the base for their nests.

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