Seed Thieves

by Em
1 comment

If you resist the urge to be tidy and leave the seed heads on some of your flowers in late summer and fall, there’s a chance you’ll see goldfinches visiting your garden for a snack. I have a flock of goldfinches that tries to send me to the poorhouse each year with their voracious appetite for Nyjer seed, but they also descend on my flower beds and eat seeds from various annuals and perennials.

Purple coneflowers (echinacea) appear to be their favorite. They will have spirited fights for a spot on the dried-up seed heads. And this time of year it’s not unusual for me to see dozens of zinnias swaying crazily back and forth from the weight of the goldfinches feeding on them. Recently, I let some of my Liatris (spiked gayfeather) blooms go to seed and those were also quickly snatched up.

Goldfinches aren’t the only birds that will eat flower seeds. I’ve also seen chickadees and house finches sampling my plants.

Be a little lazy in the garden this fall, and you might find some visitors willing to help you clean it up!

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1 comment

ear October 16, 2007 - 4:13 pm

Hi Em,
Your photos are just beautiful. Enjoy looking at them. Also enjoy reading your interesting and informative comments.


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