Drying Off

by Em
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June has been a very wet and humid month. We’ve had just a handful of dry days, so I’m way behind on weeding and deadheading. I haven’t had many opportunities to take any decent photographs either.

I’m not afraid to tromp around the garden in the rain with my camera, but right now the number of mosquitoes in my yard rivals the amount of the national debt. They are vicious and hungry and want nothing more than to feast on my face. Most of the photos I’ve taken are blurry. It’s a tad difficult to hold still when a mosquito is biting you on the eyelid. But who wants to apply repellent for a quick walk around the garden? If I did that I’d be taking a shower a half-dozen times a day.

We’re finally going to get a reprieve this week—seven rain-free days in the 70s and low 80s. We haven’t had a stretch of weather this beautiful since April. I’m thrilled because the daylilies are poised to put on a spectacular show, and mosquitoes or not I’ll be outside enjoying every minute of it.

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