One Foxy Sparrow

by Em
1 comment

I know the fall migration season is almost over when the beautiful Fox Sparrow makes an appearance. They are shy birds and usually stay very close to shrubs or plant foliage so it’s not always easy to spot them. This year one finally ventured far enough into my yard for me to take some photos.

Fox Sparrows don’t arrive in flocks. I usually see just one bird in my yard each fall. That’s why yesterday I was thrilled to discover a pair of them scratching around in the grass under my finch feeder.

They are very large for sparrows and sport beautiful white underbellies that are heavily mottled with copper-brown streaks. Their bright, rusty-red tails flash when they fly, making it easy to mistake them for a thrush.

Like White-throated Sparrows, Fox Sparrows uncover insects and seeds by jumping back and forth on the ground with both feet. They are amusing to watch and one of my favorite fall visitors.

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1 comment

Em’s Garden » Down for the Count April 9, 2008 - 7:56 pm

[…] ballooned to almost 30. And I had to rub my eyes a few times to make sure I was really seeing FOUR Fox Sparrows at the same […]

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