Just Passing Through

by Em
1 comment

When the White-throated Sparrows appear in my yard each fall, I keep my eye out for other species that sometimes tag along. The first juncos of the season always arrive with a flock of sparrows. And I usually see one or more Fox Sparrows, but they are harder to spot because they prefer to feed under the cover of shrubs.

Last week a beautiful White-crowned Sparrow appeared. I haven’t seen one for three years.  Just like last time, he only stuck around for a day.

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1 comment

Wandering Songster | Em's Garden April 29, 2011 - 7:51 am

[…] Several types of sparrows are common in my backyard. White-throated and Fox Sparrows pass through in the spring and fall, Chipping Sparrows arrive in spring and stay for the summer, and there’s a small flock of House Sparrows that hangs out our neighborhood all year-round. Occasionally I get some more interesting visitors like the White-crowned Sparrow. […]

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