Here to Stay

by Em
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I think I have finally convinced a Tufted Titmouse that my dining establishment is worthy of his patronage. I saw one of the birds at my feeder last fall and hoped he’d stick around for the winter, but he was just passing through. Earlier this fall I spotted another one, but he also stayed for a day and disappeared.

I think this Tufted Titmouse may be here to stay. He’s visited my feeders regularly since the beginning of November.

The little guy is not at all interested in having his picture taken. The moment I reach for my camera, he disappears. It took me two weeks to snap a successful picture, and I only got lucky because he flew into the frame while I was photographing a nuthatch.

Tufted Titmice have big, black eyes, and they move fast like chickadees. They supposedly prefer sunflower seeds, but my little visitor is partial to peanuts.

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