Gold-plated Gardening

by Em
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Every year the price of flower seeds goes up, but so far it’s still less expensive for me to sprout my own annuals than to buy them in the garden center.

Some seed companies are charging as much as 5 dollars for 10 measly seeds this year. That doesn’t give me any cushion for germination failures, and I usually have a klutzy accident or two that requires reseeding. At 50 cents per seed that’s just way too much pressure for me.

I’ve had to give up a few of my favorites this year and find substitutes that were more reasonably priced. Zinnias are particularly costly. I don’t mind paying more for the brand new series like the Zaharas, but 10-year-old cultivars should not be selling for the same price.

If I divided all of my daylilies I could fill all my flowerbeds for free and still have leftovers for everyone in the neighborhood. I hope it never comes to that because I love my annuals with all their different shapes, sizes and bold colors. But lets face it, a girl’s gotta eat.

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