A Flashy Astilbe

by Em
1 comment

Every spring I like to try something new to spice up my garden. Usually I’m disappointed with the newer, gimmicky cultivars I try, but this spring I cautiously took a chance on a new Astilbe called ‘ColorFlash.’

Most astilbes have green or burgundy foliage, but ‘ColorFlash’ boasts leaves of green, red, purple and burgundy on the same plant.

I read about ‘ColorFlash’ online, so when I first saw one at the Flower Factory, I was suspicious to see that the leaves were all plain green. I reluctantly purchased one anyway.

It’s been in my garden a few weeks and the foliage is now indeed starting to change colors:

Color me impressed!

My plant isn’t blooming yet, but I don’t think the blooms will be the main attraction.  ‘ColorFlash’ makes an excellent specimen plant. Like other astilbes it prefers partial shade and moist, well-drained soil.

‘ColorFlash’ grows about 10 inches tall. The pale pink plumes reach 15 to 20 inches high. In the fall, the foliage turns gold and orange.

I was so impressed with my plant that I made space in my garden for a second one.

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1 comment

Em’s Garden » Plenty of Flash November 3, 2009 - 6:57 am

[…] Astilbe ‘ColorFlash’ certainly delivered on the flash this year.  As summer began to wane, the bi-colored leaves of my new plant became more and more colorful as promised. […]

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