Last Chance for Shasta Daisy ‘Banana Cream’

by Em
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I have a love/hate relationship with Shasta daisy ‘Banana Cream’. I enjoy the sulphur-yellow flowers that appear in June. They darken over time to a lovely buttery-yellow and then eventually fade to white. The plants grow 15 to 18 inches tall so they are great for the front or middle of the flower border.

All of the descriptions of ‘Banana Cream’ brag about how the plants bloom all summer long. I haven’t found that to be the case at all. I have two plants in very different light conditions and neither of them have ever bloomed for more than 3 or 4 weeks. I sheer them back when they’re finished blooming just in case they want to rebloom, but the green foliage just stares at me for the rest of the season.

I grow other Shasta daisy cultivars that reliably put on a show for 8 to 10 weeks every summer, and some of them even rebloom.

My ‘Banana Cream’ plants are in their 2nd year in my flowerbeds. I’ve decided to give them one more chance to “wow” me before I introduce them to my compost bin.

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