The Mosquito has Landed

by Em
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When the temperature hit the mid-80s in March, I was afraid we were in for the Summer of the Mosquito. Thankfully they were caught off-guard just as much as we were, and I was able to plant all my annuals and perennials in April and May without a single bite.

Unfortunately they snuck up on me very early yesterday morning while I was watering some pots and planters. One bit me on the side of the head and another right at the hairline. I must’ve smacked the second one mid-suck because when I came inside to get ready for church I noticed blood splotched on my forehead and bits of bug in my hair. Charming! I gritted my teeth and tried to distract myself from the intense itchy sensation for the next 15 minutes. My skin really reacts to mosquito bites and nothing says reverence at church like a big devil’s horn on your forehead.

Thankfully I have some little warriors in my yard helping me fend off the biting menaces, but it’s officially time to break out the bug spray.

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