A Flurry of Finches

by Em
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The Pine Siskin situation is out of control. On Monday it was very quiet around my feeders, and I was hoping some of them had found food elsewhere. Then yesterday we had snow showers in the morning and afternoon. Before long it seemed like there were as many Pine Siskins appearing from the sky as there were snowflakes.

I have several feeding stations and all of them were packed with birds. But the count didn’t end there. Underneath each station it looked like this:

There were Pine Siskins everywhere. There were even some feeding upside-down from my peanut feeders.

A huge storm system could bring us a blizzard later tonight and through the day tomorrow. Birds take advantage of weather systems to migrate to different locations, so it will be interesting to see my huge flock of Pine Siskins will ride out the storm or get the heck out of here.

I guess I’ll find out on Friday morning.

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