The Year of the Hosta

by Em

My hostas look fantastic this summer. I think the drought did a number on the slug population last year because I haven’t seen a single one yet.

Usually ‘Sitting Pretty’ is riddled with holes by now, but instead it really is “sitting pretty.” The leaves are so unusually perfect that I’M tempted to take a bite out of them:

‘Sitting Pretty’ isn’t alone. ‘Loyalist’ grows in an area of my yard that’s usually home to many slugs and earwigs, but it’s also looking particularly spiffy this year:

At least something benefited from the drought!


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jamesck18 August 1, 2013 - 8:58 am

Great hostas. I have a have several planted in the more shaded areas of our garden. Usually no trouble with garden pests. But I do use slug bait and punch holes in small margarine containers and put oil and soya sauce in the covered containers for earwigs. This helps the slug and earwig problem. Incidentally, I hide the small containers among the plants. Talk to you later. Got to get some sun. Beautiful day here 25 degrees C. Have a great day. James

Em August 1, 2013 - 3:06 pm

Years ago I tried baiting slugs with beer, but the whole thing kind of grossed me out. Now I use boxed slug bait granules that work pretty well. So far this year I haven’t had to use any.

I hope you’re enjoying your beautiful summer day! Fall is creeping up fast!

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