The First Snow

by Em

We received our first measurable snowfall the other day, and it was postcard-perfect. It accumulated only in the grass and on the trees and shrubs, so there was no need to haul out the shovel. The flakes were huge and drifted aimlessly past the windows for several hours. The snowglobe-come-to-life scene made me feel all warm and cozy inside my house.

The birds had a different reaction. They flocked to the feeders in large numbers for a bite to eat, and I got a good start to my first bird count of the season for Project Feederwatch.


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jamesck18 November 16, 2013 - 12:37 pm

We have not had a taste of winter yet. I hate the thought of it arriving any day! James

Em November 19, 2013 - 2:44 pm

For some reason I’m actually looking forward to some snow and cold. I’m sure I’ll have a different opinion in a month or so…

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