Fine Dining

by Em
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I’m used to finding baked goods in my birdbaths or strewn about my lawn courtesy of the crows (and the neighbors who throw food out the back door that attracts not just crows but all manner of unwanted-in-the-city creatures like raccoons, skunks and coyotes). Crows love to dunk their baked goods in water. I’ve fished out chunks of bread, dinner rolls, bagels and even an English muffin from my birdbaths over the years.

Yesterday morning I opened the front door and startled a crow who had been sitting on the lattice fence that surrounds our patio. As he attempted to fly away I noticed he was frantically trying to grab a big piece of food. He couldn’t get a good enough grip on it and finally decided it was more important to get away from the scary lady. He left his treat behind. He flew across the street into a big oak tree and watched me suspiciously as I investigated.

Pizza! No wonder he was freaking out. It’s pizza!

I would like to think the crows got sick of the sloppy, stale seconds the neighbors have been tossing them and took matters into their own hands. They ordered their own pizza!

They’ll probably order another one this weekend when Wisconsin plays Kentucky in the NCAA Final Four match-up. If they’re smart they’ll also get some of that stuffed cheesy bread. It’s yummy and I bet it would be really easy to dunk in the birdbath.



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