Not So Bad After All

by Em

It’s a good thing I take a lot of photographs because in my head the previous year’s flowerbeds were nothing but a mess of Japanese beetles, powdery mildew and digging and chomping rodents.

My camera tells a completely different story. These are from last summer in mid-July:



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jamesck18 April 2, 2014 - 9:33 am

Your pictures lifts my spirits after two days of snow and wind. We’ve had a terrible winter and spring so far – freezing temperatures and lots of snow. Most of it originating in the Florida area and turning to snow along the eastern seaboard and worsening as it moves our way. We have about 4 to five feet of snow on our lawn and back garden. No end of cold weather in sight. My Rudbeckia and dahlias are doing well under lights in cold basements. James

Em April 2, 2014 - 6:54 pm

Hi James!
You win the Terrible Winter award. We don’t have any warm weather in our extended forecast either, but at least our snow finally melted (tonight we could get freezing rain). They say the frost depth is still 4 feet in many places and the lakes and ponds are still ice-covered. Our growing season will be at least 2 or 3 weeks late, if not longer. I’ve never experienced anything like it. I’ve been starting all my seeds a few weeks later than normal, but I may have to slow down even more. My zinnias are up next and since they grow so fast I don’t want to start them until I know the weather is truly going to warm up, or they’ll be banging into the grow lights by early May!

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