Swarm of Sparrows

by Em
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The migrating birds are finally showing up in large numbers in our area. I’m seeing reports and photos of beautiful birds like orioles, tanagers, buntings and warblers.

So far all I’ve seen in my neighborhood is sparrows. While that might sound a little boring, at least they are “interesting” sparrows. I’ve never had more than one White-crowned Sparrow in my yard at a time, and right now I have a small flock of them.

They are accompanied by my little “Santa” sparrows—the White-throated Sparrows:

I also have a nice little flock of Chipping Sparrows, and even one unusually enthusiastic Song Sparrow.

This photo isn’t the best, but I like it because it shows 4 different hungry sparrows in the same frame. From the bottom left going clockwise there’s a House Sparrow, a White-Crowned Sparrow, a White-Throated Sparrow and a Chipping Sparrow:

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