We finally had a winter so nasty it killed one of my daylilies. ‘Night Rhythms’ is no more.
This daylily has pretty, royal-purple blooms with a yellow throat…nothing spectacular. However, ‘Night Rhythms’ was the one daylily I could count on to rebloom for me each summer, and I’m going to miss that.
The victim was growing on a slope on the edge of a raised bed that receives the full force of the north winds, so I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise that the poor thing would struggle to endure endless windy, below-zero days.
I’ve already replaced ‘Night Rhythms’ with ‘Wayside Burnt Autumn’.
This time I’m thinking ahead, and instead of putting an entire cultivar at risk, I took a division from an established plant.
‘Wayside Burnt Autumn’ grows 35 inches tall with 6-inch flowers.