Petunia Pardon

by Em
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The petunias in my pots and planters were really getting scraggly and some of them were dying off or at least drying up, so it was time to yank them for the season. However I did make one exception. Well actually I made two exceptions but I’ll write about the second one in my Monday post.

Some of my Trilogy petunias were planted in soil that was mixed in a planter with last year’s soil. Weeks ago I noticed I had some bright pink flowers popping up in the middle of what were supposed to be blue petunias.

I grew ‘Tidal Wave Hot Cherry’ in that planter last summer, so these little surprises sprouted from seeds that were lying dormant in the soil after being jettisoned from last year’s plants. What a neat trick! I may just scatter some extra petunia seeds on the surface of my other planters next spring. It’s fun to have something fresh pop up late in the season when everything else is fading.

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