Salsa Salvia Slump

by Em

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I’m (inadvertently) growing way too many salvias of one variety, but another is giving me trouble.

For the second year in a row I’m getting horrible germination from my salvia ‘Salsa Light Purple’ seeds. I love the smoky-lavender color of these normally-easy-going plants, but I’m barely getting 50% germination. Maybe that’s why this cultivar is getting harder and harder to find.

There aren’t any good annuals in this color and I wish breeders would do something about that. I love to plant ‘Salsa Light Purple’ next to pinks like zinnias or asters.

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This reminds me of another dark-lavender flower that disappeared years ago that I still miss—‘Peter Pan Plum’ zinnias. There are other short zinnias series, but none of them have produced a lavender. It must be a difficult color to breed.

I’ve re-seeded my ‘Salsa Light Purple’ packs. I’m hoping the plants germinate better on the second try.

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