Up Close and Personal: Tulip ‘Akebono’

by Em

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jamesck18 April 25, 2016 - 8:46 am

I wanted to ask a question, but first I must make a comment re: your tulip Akebono. The touch of red on the petals and its double form makes it a beauty. Hopefully the bunnies or some rodent will allow you to enjoy it.

I guess your seeding is finished. I am just about finished. My taller Calendula have germinated. My Fiesta Giganta will go in to day. Even though the weather has been cold and terrible for the last week in April – we had 40 cm of snow on Thursday – we must plod on. My Rudbeckia did well. Now I have to put them into larger pots. They are too large to keep in the small 10 pacs I have util about June 20. Last year it was the first week of July before we could plant them. I guess you will be planting shortly after the middle oh May!!

Now the question: do you put a weak fertilizer on your Calendula?
Thank you in advance

Em April 25, 2016 - 3:48 pm

I agree. ‘Akebono’ is gorgeous. So far the rodents have only lopped off one tulip in my entire yard. That has to be some sort of record!

I have one more day of seeding left which consists of all tall zinnias. I was supposed to do them today, but the temperature outside is lovely—about 20 degrees above average—and the rest of the week it will be chilly, so I decided to spend a little time outside puttering in the yard instead. I hope your temps will warm up soon, or that you’ll at least get a few teaser days of nice weather to tide you over until the weather turns nicer for good!

Are you talking about fertilizing the seedlings? I fertilize all my seedlings with a weak fertilizer about once every two weeks starting after they get their first set of true leaves. I used to use an organic mix that was designed for seedlings, but for the last two years I’ve just used Miracle-Gro Quick Start.

It sounds like your plants are coming along nicely. I hope the weather will cooperate and let you plant them at the regular time this year!

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