Riding Hood Penstemons

by Em

Gaze at the luscious blue color of this new penstemon:

‘Delft’s Blue Riding Hood’ grows 18-24 inches tall in full sun to half-shade. The plants attract butterflies and hummingbirds.

The flowers appear in late spring through early summer with a second flush of flowers in the fall.

This penstemon series also includes ‘Red Riding Hood’ and ‘Hot Pink Riding Hood’ (pictured below):

All three are compact with an upright habit and are listed as hardy in Zones 5-8.

The penstemons I’ve grown usually bloom from late May through late June and then they’re done for the year. It will be interesting to see if the Riding Hood plants really do send up new flowers in the fall.

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mreams99 June 30, 2015 - 10:13 am

I planted four of the Blue Riding Hoods last fall. Two of them did not survive our colder-than-usual winter here in central Ohio. (I lost a couple of other newer perennials as well.)
Of the remaining two, they bloomed for a few weeks, then started looking pretty bare. I was surprised this morning to see that one appears to have died.
I suppose we’ll see how the other one does. This does not look promising to me.

Em June 30, 2015 - 11:40 am

No, that doesn’t sound good at all. Perhaps the series wasn’t trialed enough before being rushed to garden centers where we were enticed by those pretty flowers. I just checked on my two plants and they are still alive, but haven’t shown any new growth since I deadheaded the blossoms two weeks ago. Thanks for sharing your experience! I’ll be keeping a wary eye on my plants for the rest of the summer…

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