Collection of Cardinals

by Em

For several years now I’ve enjoyed a flock of wintering cardinals in my yard. This year’s flock is made up of 11 birds. One day I glanced out the window to see 8 of them on my platform feeder at the same time. I was so excited I could barely breathe. I refused to look away as I tried to paw around for my nearby camera, but by the time I got my hands on it and powered it up, half the birds had flown away.

That’s okay, there are still a few chilly weeks ahead before the flock separates for the breeding season. Maybe I’ll get a another chance.

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ear February 5, 2016 - 3:45 pm

I’m just now looking at the pictures of these beautiful birds. You’ve taken such great pictures!! We see one(!) cardinal often and on, and a pair once in awhile, but not 11 at one time!! Remarkable!

jamesck18 February 7, 2016 - 11:02 am

I have to comment on your pictures of Cardinals. Beautiful birds that are rarely seen around here! As I said before you have such control of your camera. They look as if they are posed for you. James

Em February 7, 2016 - 3:07 pm

Thanks, LT. I’ll try to coax a few of them to come your way. I have plenty to share! 😉

Em February 7, 2016 - 3:22 pm

Thanks, James! I have another online friend from Canada who also told me she rarely sees cardinals. I just assumed Canada got all the good songbirds all the time. I guess not! I’m trying not to take these beauties for granted. Practically every time I look out the window there’s one or two or five on a feeder. It’s been a good winter for birdwatching.

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