Two of My Favorite Fragrant Daylilies

by Em
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These daylilies may look a bit similar, but they both give off a sweet scent and are such great garden performers that I make sure there’s space for each of them in my daylily beds.

‘Sambo Wilder’ grows only 23 inches tall but it boasts large, 6-inch flowers. This is a great cottage garden daylily and would look lovely growing with white, purple or pink plants.

The fragrant flowers are very light lavender with a royal-purple eyezone and a lime green throat. ‘Sambo Wilder’ blooms in the middle of the daylily season.

I’ve gushed about ‘Huckleberry Candy’ many times in the past. It’s one of my favorite daylily cultivars out of the hundreds I’ve grown. The flowers are cream with a grape-colored eye and green throat.

‘Huckleberry Candy’ blooms heavily for me and the flowers are deliciously fragrant. When I bend down to take a photo I always hang around for a few extra moments to inhale that delicious scent. The 4-inch flowers appear on 20-inch scapes and bloom in the middle of the daylily season.

If i had to choose one over the other, I’d probably pick ‘Huckleberry Candy’ just because the fragrance is strong and the plants are always loaded with flowers, but I love them both.

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