Astilbe ‘Rock n Roll’

by Em

If you’re looking for a plant that will perk up a shady area of your yard, consider Astilbe ‘Rock n Roll’:

These carefree plants grow about 20 inches tall with fluffy, white flowers.

I love astilbes because they have no pest or disease issues and they bloom for weeks starting in early summer. Astilbes have ferny, dense foliage that’s good for hiding the withering stems and leaves of tulips and daffodils or even old-fashioned bleeding hearts. The flowers attract pollinators like moths and bees, and the glossy foliage is attractive throughout the summer.

My ‘Rock and Roll’ astilbe has been a heavy bloomer. The bright-white flowers really stand out when planted next to the dark-red foliage of Heuchera ‘Blackout’ (which is behind and to the left of this little overachiever).

Astilbes prefer moist, well-drained soil, so they need to be watered during dry periods. They are happiest in shade or part-shade, but with ample water they can thrive in full sun. Astilbes also like an occasional boost of fertilizer.

I generally choose brightly-flowering plants over white ones, but I grow ‘Rock and Roll’ because it’s a robust, pretty, and easy-to-grow perennial that adds pizzazz to shady areas.


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